Amazing Wives And Girlfriends of MLB Stars

5 years agoon
The lifestyle of a pro MLB athlete is a taxing one, as players have to continuously fight their way through the ranks, with only a handful reaching the majors. However, if you’re talented enough to shine in the spotlight, chances are you’ll get attention from more than just your teammates.
Like any pro athlete, baseball players often catch the attention of women across the country who are willing to deal with the intense traveling and jam-packed schedule, and many of these players are fortunate to have such loyalty by their side. These are the most famous MLB couples.
Sure, Evan Longoria hasn’t been great for the Giants lately, but his career is in twilight mode. Back in 2015, he married former Playmate, Jaime Edmondson. After he hit that home run, he apparently lost some ground on the league standard.
You may recognize Joanna from Gossip Girl or possibly movies like American Pie 2. However, she’s also married to former Yankee, Nick Swisher. He’s still managing to win after retirement.
She’s been on the show Entourage, but she’s also dating Toronto catcher, Russell Martin. The two have been dating for 8 years. Russell always has been a lucky guy.
Lindsay used to be a model on Deal Or No Deal, but she’s mostly retired now, and hangs out with her husband Clay Buchholz. It turns out that the two were actually introduced by none other than Donald Trump.
Pitcher, Zack Greinke, met his wife Emily in high school. She was Miss Daytona Beach in 2008, and she also happens to be an ex-Cowboys Cheerleader.
How ex-pitcher, Barry Zito, managed to land a top ten finalist for Miss USA 2007, is beyond any of us. The fact of the matter is that he did, and we’ll all just have to settle for being jealous.
Hunter Pence has a reputation for dating beautiful women, and Alexis is certainly no exception. The two recently got married and are living happily ever after in San Francisco.
The two met back in Philly, when Ryan Howard was on the Phillies and Krystle was an Eagles cheerleader. Krystle works as a school teacher now, but she’s had to relocate a lot, now that Ryan is towards the end of his career.
David DeJesus is already retired, but Kim had to make the list. It’s not surprising that she enjoys doing charity work and wants to become an actress… It’s stereotypical, but we’ll forgive her.
Dallas and Mat Latos have been married since 2010. Initially, Dallas told her friend that she never wanted to date a baseball player… That didn’t end up working out so well for her.
Missy is married to former relief pitcher, Michael Schwimer. Who’s that, you ask? Nobody knows the answer, but he probably made a deal with the devil to marry someone like Missy. If it isn’t obvious, she’s a bit of a gym buff.
Ryan Braun has been through a lot during his career. Between his injuries and PED scandal, there’s been a lot to get him down. Fortunately, he comes home to Larisa every night, so life really can’t be that bad.
Reid Brignac has done almost nothing on the baseball field, yet he still managed to land a former Playboy Playmate in Lauren Anderson. Currently, Lauren takes care of her child, and she also helps to promote PETA.
Brandon McCarthy hasn’t been lucky in his career until recently, but he’s definitely had a great love life. Amanda is a former swimsuit model and she currently writes a blog about her adventures as the wife of a pro athlete.
Chase Utley has had an injury filled career, but it’s possible that he just wanted more time to spend with his gorgeous wife… Is it a conspiracy? Maybe?
Michelle has always wanted to be a sportscaster, but the dream hasn’t materialized. Baseball journeyman Johnny Damon will have to be a consolation prize. There had been rumors that Michelle was a former stripper, but Johnny has vehemently denied those accusations.
While his career has gone down the toilet, Jered Weaver still has the support of his wife Kristen. The two met in college, and have been together ever since.
Mitch and Susan have been married since 2011, and unlike some names on this list, having a beautiful girlfriend hasn’t hurt Mitch’s career at all. In fact, he is currently the starting first baseman for the Oakland Athletics.
Although he’s currently injured, Freddie Freeman has it all. He’s having a career year, he’s married to a bikini competitor, and he’s the face of the Atlanta Braves. Oh yeah, he also brings in ten crap-loads of money. Yes, crap-load is the technical term.
It may come as a shock, but it seems that baseball players like models…. David Wright fits the stereotype. Molly and David got married in 2014, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
Derek Jeter is the man who has everything. He’s loved by the fans, he’s made a lot of money, and he’s married to Hannah Davis, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model. Yes, we all envy Derek Jeter.
What do you know? Another baseball player dating a model. Justin Verlander and Kate Upton have been the ultimate MLB couple for a while, and they’re still going strong.
The former Survivor star is married to pitcher Kyle Kendrick. He’s currently in the minors for the Red Sox, but he has had a good career, and a happy family life, so we can’t feel too bad for him.
Cole Hamels’ wife is a former Playboy cover model, and she has an appearance on Survivor. Just like every other model on this list… Needless to say, Cole hasn’t done too bad for himself.
C.J. Wilson’s career ended in surgery, but he is still happily married to Lisalla. The two have one daughter, and they both own and operate a Mazda dealership. C.J. intends to continue racing Mazdas after his retirement.

Jaime Edmondson

Joanna Garcia

Marikym Hervieux

Lindsay Clubine

Emily Greinke

Amber-Marie Seyer

Alexis Pence

Krystle Campbell

Kim DeJesus

Dallas Latos

Missy Coles

Larisa Fraser

Lauren Anderson

Amanda McCarthy

Jennifer Utley

Michelle Damon

Kristin Travis

Susannah Moreland

Chelsea Freeman

Molly Beers

Hannah Davis

Kate Upton

Stephenie LaGrossa

Heidi Hamels

Lisalla Montenegro

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